Netflix's original "Vampires" first aired in March 2020. It is a French language series about a vampires living/hiding in Pari...
"Vampires" Series Review: The Bloodsucking Families Of Paris
Reviewed by GMonsterTV
10:44 AM
Rating: 5
Netflix's original "Vampires" first aired in March 2020. It is a French language series about a vampires living/hiding in Pari...
"The Irregulars" Series Review: Not Bad But Needs A Little Extra Zing
"The Irregulars" is currently viewable on NetFlix. With just eight episodes total-- it's a super fast watch. This series shoul...
"The Irregulars" Series Review: Not Bad But Needs A Little Extra Zing
Reviewed by GMonsterTV
7:02 AM
Rating: 5
"The Irregulars" is currently viewable on NetFlix. With just eight episodes total-- it's a super fast watch. This series shoul...
2021 Renewed And Cancelled TV Shows
Below is the status of the shows I cover (or plan to). This also includes a few that havent aired yet. A Discovery Of Witches- Sundance- RE...
2021 Renewed And Cancelled TV Shows
Reviewed by GMonsterTV
8:12 AM
Rating: 5
Below is the status of the shows I cover (or plan to). This also includes a few that havent aired yet. A Discovery Of Witches- Sundance- RE...
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