American Horror Story Asylum Episode 9 Recap: The Coat Hanger Oner - GMonsterTV

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American Horror Story Asylum Episode 9 Recap: The Coat Hanger Oner

My goodness... where to start? There was a lot of good stuff going on. Here's my interpretation of what happened in tonight's episode:

  • Finally the mystery of where Pepper went is solved. For those who are not keeping up, she went to the restroom during the storm and was never seen again. Turns out she was on the spaceship with a non-dead Grace (who is now full term). There's a new sheriff in town and her name is Pepper. Pepper for President!!
  • Biggest non-news event of the night-- Dylan McDormett is BloodyFace Jr.
  • Tonight's death toll-- one (BF Jr's therapist) and one probable (the next patient). There was one fake out. Crazy Santa appeared to be drowning Church Dude. He was then nailed to a cross and visited by the Angel of Death. Turns out he's still alive since we saw him in the previews. The Angel of Death is definitely not making her quota this month. 
  • Props to Silence of the Lambs in two scenes: BF's therapist is the girl in the well that Buffalo Bill was going to kill for her skin. Remember "Mister your dog's hurt real bad"? That's her. And when the Monsignor was nailed to the cross, there was a similar scene in SotL. 
  • Sister Jude (who is now just Judy) spent much of the episode tied to the bed. When Crazy Santa kissed her on the head I thought he would bite her face off (which would have been another reference to SotL). Lee scurrying around in chains with his shackled hands grasped in prayer was unsettling. And that BS he fed to the Church Dudes about apologizing to each of his 18 victims in heaven was funny. Yeah I bet you will Lee. 
  • Lana is for sure preggo. She did not get rid of the baby (of course since he's BF Jr... or so we think...hmmmm). She tried to abort the fetus with a coat hanger but a touch from Mary Satan brought him back to life. BF Sr was also sprung by Sister Mary Satan so he's on the lose again. The scenes where BF was saying what a good father he would be were hilarious.. "You know me. I can change. I have great determination," says BF. How much do serial killers really care about their offspring...I'm not sure.
  • Lana and Judy are forming an alliance to break out of the hospital. 
  • Kit is presently dead. Dr Nazi is busy running the halls. Hellloooo he needs the other medications in two minutes. It's been longer than two minutes.

I'm sorry to say kids that this was the winter finale. No more AHS until January 2nd when it will return with 4 more episodes. I don't think I can wait that long.
American Horror Story Asylum Episode 9 Recap: The Coat Hanger Oner Reviewed by GMonsterTV on 7:16 AM Rating: 5  My goodness... where to start? There was a lot of good stuff going on. Here's my interpretation of what happened in tonight's...

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