"Black Summer" Season 2 Review: Still One Of The Best Zombie Shows E-V-E-R - GMonsterTV

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"Black Summer" Season 2 Review: Still One Of The Best Zombie Shows E-V-E-R

"Black Summer" returns to NetFlix after a 2 year break Season 1 aired in April 2019. Wow, that seems like a lifetime ago. We were all more innocent and naive back then.

For those not familiar with the series, it's a spin off of the SyFy horror comedy "Z Nation". But there's nothing funny about "Black Summer". It's non stop punch you in the teeth zombie fighting action. The zombies change immediately after death, are super fast and extremely aggressive. No slow walkers here. The only thing that stops them is (of course) a shot to the head. But many charge so quickly it's hard to accomplish. Also, it's important to remember that this is the very beginning of the zombie outbreak. People have to figure things out as they go along. 

In "Black Summer" anyone can die at any time (and often does). There's no long sentimental episodes leading up to a main character's death. I'm looking at you "The Walking Dead". Here they're shot, they die, they turn, they try to eat you. That's it. 

Last season we saw Rose and a group of survivors as they attempted to fight their way to a stadium (so Rose could reunite with her teenage daughter). They succeed in their mission but at the cost of many lives. Returning characters this season include: Rose (Jamie King), daughter Anna (Zoe Marlett), Lance (Kelsey Flower), Sun (Christine Lee), and "Spears" (Justin Chu Cary). 

In season 2 the survivors not only have to deal with zombies but also with snow and freezing temperatures Everyone continues to fight with everyone else. Different alliances are formed. The various factions are first all hellbent on staying at a big mansion for some reason. Then they see planes flying overhead and try to get to an airstrip. Rose is ruthless and continues to live for only her daughter. 

Poor Spears and Sun are put through the wringer this time around (even more than season 1). Spears is wounded and abandoned by Rose. Sun (who still cant communicate with anyone much since they dont speak Korean) is kidnapped by one of the groups. But it might work to her advantage since she can only react to what people are doing and not saying. Sun is my favorite. She's definitely a badass. Cant' wait to see what season 3 (if there is one) has in store for her.   

Grade  5 Monsters (out of 5). Season 2 of "Black Summer" continues to deliver. There's no time for backstories or endless dialogue. Anyone can die at any time. The show is unsentimental and extremely brutal.  It's exactly what a zombie show should be-- non-stop zombie fighting action. That's why IMHO "Black Summer" is one of the best zombie shows EVER.  

One thing that might confuse viewers this time around is the non linear story telling. You see something (like a pile of bodies) and dont know what happened. Later the show circles back and shows you how everyone died. "Black Summer' requires your full attention or you won't know what is going on.. 

Please Netflix, give us a season 3. There's plenty more to be explored in this world. 

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TV: Heavy On Sci Fi, Horror & Adventure; Light On Reality

July 2, 2021

"Black Summer" Season 2 Review: Still One Of The Best Zombie Shows E-V-E-R Reviewed by GMonsterTV on 11:59 AM Rating: 5 "Black Summer" returns to NetFlix after a 2 year break Season 1 aired in April 2019. Wow, that seems like a lifetime ago. We were ...

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