Southern Survival Review: Testing Survival Equipment So You Don't Have To - GMonsterTV

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Southern Survival Review: Testing Survival Equipment So You Don't Have To

"Southern Survival" is currently available on NetFlix. Their tagline is "Outdoor Gear Tested". Per the trailer notes "The Ballbox crew tests out products designed to help people survive dangerous situatiosn including explosives, natural disasters and intruders". They do all this while throwing in some good ol' boy wisdom and having a heck of a good time. We meet Daniel (president of Battlbox), Steve, Brandon and Mikki. There are eight episodes total. Each is 30ish minutes long. 

For those who dont know, Battlbox / sells survival equipment. They also have a subscription service. Customers receive a monthly "box" based on a theme (called missions). The monthly plans run from $29 to $109/mth. The company is located in Milledgeville, GA.   

I'm always on the lookout for new equipment so I enjoyed the show. I just wish they would have included more info on the various products. Luckily that is remedied with their website where the products from each episode are listed and available to purchase. I've highlighted some of my favorites below. 

Episode 1: Fire

  • Sksaver Rapelling Backpack- $972- Not cheap but could save your life. 
  • Spare Air Model 300 Personal Breathing Apparatus/Tank- $330
  • Firemask RPD60 with Firegloves- $49.99

Episode 2: Escape

  • RESQME Vehicle Escape Tool- $9.95- I have one on my keychain and purchased for everyone in my family. Well worth the price. 
  • Lifesstraw- $19.95- Lifestraws are a great invention. Just need in mind that the label says "filters out 99.9% of... whatever". Just kee in mind, you can still end up with some funky parasites. Trust me. I know. My advice is use TWO methods of filtration to be safe. Lifestraws can still save your life though.  

Episde 3: Rescue

  • Pull/Start/Fire Fire Starters- $5.50

Episode 4: Cutting Edge

Episode 5: Fear

  • Arma 100 Bean Bag Gun Kit- $199- It's just fun. 
  • Landfall Navigator Rescue Rope Launching Gun- $525- Very cool.
  • Sabre Tactical Stun Gun with LED Flashlight- $29.99- Ouch.
  • Razer Snake Gaiters- $62.99- We use these in the woods all the time. A must have if you're in an area where there are poisonous snakes. 

Episode 6; Hurricane

  • EVP Extreme Protection Disaster Bag- $299- Not sure I would ever need this but good to know about. 

Episode 7: Vacation Survival

  • Biolite Campstove 2 Electricity Generating Wood Camp Stove- $149.95-this also recharges your electronics. 
  • Mini Elide Fire Extinguishing Ball- $95

Episode 8: Disaster Survival

  • Aquapodkit Emergency Water Storage- $39,95- Throw it in the tub and fill it up. 
  • Element E50 Portable Fire Extinguisher- $79.95
  • GoDark Faraday Bag- $69.97

Grade: No grade assigned since this is a reality/informational show. I do hope there's a season 2 since there's lots more equipment out there to test.  

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TV: Heavy On Horror, Sci Fi, Fantasy & Adventure

October 3, 2020  
Southern Survival Review: Testing Survival Equipment So You Don't Have To Reviewed by GMonsterTV on 8:32 AM Rating: 5 "Southern Survival" is currently available on NetFlix. Their tagline is "Outdoor Gear Tested". Per the trailer notes ...

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