The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 1 Review: Zombies in France - GMonsterTV

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The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 1 Review: Zombies in France

"Daryl Dixon" of course follows Daryl (portrayed by Norma Reedus) at the conclusion of "TWD". The series was originally supposed to star Daryl and Carol (Melissa McBride) but she was unavailable due to scheduling issues. 

"Daryl Dixon" is the fifth spinoff of "The Walking Dead". There are 8 shows total in the "TWD" franchise. The others include:

  1. The Walking Dead- original franchise- 11 seasons (concluded in 8/21)
  2. Fear The Walking Dead- 8 seasons (concluded in 5/23)
  3. The Walking Dead: World Beyond- 2 seasons (concluded in 10/21)
  4. Tales of the Walking Dead- 1 season (concluded in 9/22)
  5. The Walking Dead: Dead City- 2 seasons (the 2nd will air in 2025)
  6. The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon-  3 seasons (the 3rd will air in 2025)
  7. The Ones Who Live- 1 season (concluded in 3/24)
  8. More Tales from the Walking Dead Universe- in development

It's some 12 years since the zombie outbreak began. At the end of "TWD" Daryl leaves the Commonwealth to travel the country in search of Michonne and Rick. Daryl ends up being captured thrown on a ship. The prisoners mutiny and Daryl washes up on shore in Marseilles, France. He meets a number of different characters including: Isabelle (a nun), Laurent (Isabelle's nephew), as well as various factions struggling for control. The nuns believe Laurent is the secret to saving humanity (because he is immune to the zombie virus). It may be (partially) due to his mother being turned into a walker before he was delivered. Isabella (who Daryl becomes close to) wants him to help Laurent get to Paris. Daryl is torn between leaving and being with the "family" he has established. 

Several different variants of walkers are introduced here. They include burners. They have acidic blood and skin. They dont appear to be any smarter or faster than usual walkers (so far). It is also suggested that the zombie outbreak began in France. It is hinted that this was due to biological experimentation? 

Touching the skin/blood of burners does not make one a zombie immediately-- but it is very painful. Luckily the nuns in episode 1  know what to do about Daryl's wound. They cauterize it (obvs very painful but it does the trick). 

At the end of episode six, Daryl is at the coast. He found his grandfathers grave (who was killed there in WWII). The ship Daryl's supposed to get on is far off in the distance. Laurent arrives and here come the zombies. Daryl must choose between helping him and leaving. It's cliffhanger time. The season concludes with a brief glimpse of Carol. She is searching for Daryl and finds someone driving his motorcycle. Hopefully we'll see much more of both in season 2. 

Grade: 4 1/2 Monsters (out of 5) With just six episodes "Daryl Dixon" is a quick watch. Daryl is a great standout character. I also really liked the change of scenery. Including the castles, viaducts and ruins of France is a great idea. Also including Mount Saint Michel's definitely added to the series. What better place to hide from zombies/walkers than a castle surrounded by the ocean? My only complaint is that Laurent was irritating at times. But that does with the plot. Kids in stories like these have to hide secrets and wander off in order to progress the plot. I've definitely seen worse. 

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TV: Heavy On Horror, Sci Fi, Fantasy & Adventure

January 20, 2025

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 1 Review: Zombies in France Reviewed by GMonsterTV on 7:53 PM Rating: 5 "Daryl Dixon" of course follows Daryl (portrayed by Norma Reedus) at the conclusion of "TWD". The series was originally ...

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