House Of Cards Season 6 Episodes 1-2 Review: It's Going To Be Different Between You And Me - GMonsterTV

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House Of Cards Season 6 Episodes 1-2 Review: It's Going To Be Different Between You And Me

Unless you've been living under a rock, you know at least two things about "House Of Cards": 1. This is their final season; and 2. Kevin Spacey has left the building. What you may not know is that even before the Kevin Spacey sexual harassment claims, this was supposed to be "HoC"s last season. It was always intended that Robin Wright would take center stage. Remember at the end of season 5, she was the President and her last words were "My Turn". You go girl! See my previous reviews here What the writers didnt anticipate was having to write Spacey completely out of the season. 

They accomplished this by declaring in episode 1 that Frank "had died in his sleep, next to his wife). The viewers know this isnt true (especially since they rarely slept together). Hopefully we'll learn later who killed him. I wouldnt doubt if it was Claire.

President Claire Underwood's first 100 days in office havent been particularly smooth. She's bearing the brunt of Frank's previous misdeeds (which she wasnt an innocent party to). She's getting lots of death treats because ya know-- women in power and crazies. She's sending troops to war in Syria. 

Claire is in conflict with Shepherd Unlimited (a big company that is used to getting what it wants, they also do a a lot of charity work). There's brother Bill, sister Annette, and Annette's son Duncan Shepherd. They're played by Greg Kinnear, Diane Lane and Cody Fern respectively. Ex White Houser Seth Green also works for them now. 

Someone tries to assassinate Claire (but it was a clumsy attempt). Odds are the Shepherds were behind it.  Annette also admits to Claire that she slept with Frank many years ago. Claire says she already knew. Annette says Frank couldnt completely "commit" (ie he's gay). This is again something Claire and the audience already know. 

And if all that wasnt bad enough, Claire's Vice President Mark Usher cant be trusted as far as she can throw him. He's in cahoots with the Shepherds as well.  

Doug is in a cushy mental health facility and wants a pardon from Claire. Doug's loyalty to Frank continues to be both fascinate and horrify me.   

We see in a flashback, Claire as a young girl was harassed by a group of boys. She gets her payback by almost blinding one of them. Claire isnt taking crap from anyone. 

And like Frank, Claire breaks the fourth wall during the show. She tells the audience "It's going to be different between you and me. I'm going to tell you the truth." I say why start now? 

Death Count: I count seven murders up to the beginning of season 6. They are:
  • Zoe Barnes- killed by Frank. She was pushed in front of a subway car. Doug take the fall though. 
  • Peter Russo- killed by Frank in what was made to look like a suicide by running car. 
  • Tom Yates- Claire's clandestine lover was poisoned by her after they had sexy times. 
  • LeAnn Harvey- Doug's brief love interest was killed in what was supposed to look like a car accident. She had vital intel on the Underwoods from Aiden. Frank most likely ordered her death. 
  • Lucas Goodwin- Worked with Zoe and Janine at the newspaper. He was jailed as part of a hacker story line. Lucas later attempts to shoot Frank. Instead he kills trusted secret service agent (and sometimes three-way-participant) Meechum. Lucas is then killed. 
  • Rachel Posner- the object of Doug's obsession. She was able to escape and badly injure him once-- only to have Dough come after her years later on a deserted road. 
  • Elizabeth Hale- Claire's mom was near death when Claire helped her along. Not counting this one since it was really assisted suicide. 
  • Aiden Macallan- data scientist extraordinaire- He helps the Underwoods win an election and fake an ISO attack. For his trouble he gets kidnapped by Russians and later gets a bullet in the head. Not saying the Underwoods did it for sure but odds are good. 
  • Catherine Durant- not dead (at least not yet) but was pushed down the steps by Frank. Cathy better watch her back. I fear she's next. 
  • Let us also not forget that Frank killed an injured dog in the opening scene of the series.
Grade:  4 Monsters (out of 5). A good start to the final season. I'm interested to see what dastardly deeds Claire has in store for us. A word to new viewers though, if you're expecting non-stop action, you're not going to find it here. "House Of Cards" is also about plotting, conniving, and backstabbing. This season only has six episodes total so hopefully we won't have to wait long for a sweet payback in the end. 

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TV: Heavy On Horror, Sci Fi, Fantasy & Adventure

November 5, 2018

House Of Cards Season 6 Episodes 1-2 Review: It's Going To Be Different Between You And Me Reviewed by GMonsterTV on 6:12 AM Rating: 5 Unless you've been living under a rock, you know at least two things about "House Of Cards": 1. This is their final season...

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