"Into The Night" Season 1 Review: We're Going To Need A Lot More Sunblock - GMonsterTV

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"Into The Night" Season 1 Review: We're Going To Need A Lot More Sunblock

"Into The Night" is the first Belgian series to appear on NetFlix. It's based on a 2105 book called "The Old Axolotl" by Jacek Dukaj. Season 1 aired in May 2020, I thought now might be a good time to get up to speed (since the second season just dropped). . 

The basic premise of "Into The Night" is a NATO solider hijacks a plane at the Brussels airport. The plane was originally headed for Moscow. The soldier instructs the sole pilot to fly West immediately or everyone will die.  

Over the course of six episodes we learn more about those on board. There's the pilot Mathieu (Laurent Capelluto).He is shot in the hand by hijacker Terenzio (Stefano Cassetti) and having a hard time flying, Former military helicopter pilot Sylvie (Pauline Etienne) steps in to help. Gabrielle is the sole flight attendant on board. There's also a woman (Zara) who is headed to Moscow so her son Dominik can have surgery to help his cystic fibrosis. There's an older man and his caregiver-- a nurse named Laura (Babtida Sadjo). There's a young girl (Ines) who apparently is a social media influencer. A couple of guys round out the group-- Ayaz (we're not sure what he is up to), Rik (a security guard(, Jakub (a mechanic), Horst (a climate scientist), and Osman (a custodian). 

Why was Terenzio so insistent on the plan leaving immediately and only flying West? It turns out there is some sort of solar event that is frying every living creature from the inside out. The only way to stay safe is avoid the sun completely. But how can they do that? The group learns of a NATO base in Bulgaria. Other survivors are there so they attempt a nail biting dash for the facility. 

Grade: 4 1/2 Monsters (out of 5). With just six episodes per season, "Into The Night" is a super fast watch. I always enjoy this type of post apocalyptic show where a group of random people have to work together or they all die. They're never sure who they can trust and who will screw them over at the next opportunity. I cant wait tio start season 2. 

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TV: Heavy On Sci Fi, Horror & Adventure; Light On Reality

September 12, 2021

"Into The Night" Season 1 Review: We're Going To Need A Lot More Sunblock Reviewed by GMonsterTV on 9:28 AM Rating: 5 "Into The Night" is the first Belgian series to appear on NetFlix. It's based on a 2105 book called "The Old Axolotl...

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