The first episode of "The Americans" premiered last night on FX taking the slot previously occupied by American Horror Stor...
The Americans Episode 1 Recap: Red Menace (Series Premiere)
Reviewed by GMonsterTV
10:13 PM
Rating: 5
The first episode of "The Americans" premiered last night on FX taking the slot previously occupied by American Horror Stor...
The Following Episode 2 Recap: Running From The Poe Poe
Here's the highlights from last night's episode entitled "Chapter Two". We get to see some backstory for Claire...
The Following Episode 2 Recap: Running From The Poe Poe
Reviewed by GMonsterTV
9:04 PM
Rating: 5
Here's the highlights from last night's episode entitled "Chapter Two". We get to see some backstory for Claire...
2013 Screen Actors Guild (SAG) Award Winners
Below are last night 's winners. Why cant American Horror Story or Once Upon A Time win anything? Screen Actors Guild Awards ...
2013 Screen Actors Guild (SAG) Award Winners
Reviewed by GMonsterTV
10:36 PM
Rating: 5
Below are last night 's winners. Why cant American Horror Story or Once Upon A Time win anything? Screen Actors Guild Awards ...
Worst Movies Of All Time
Since I've previously listed the Oscar and Golden Globe winners, I thought it would be fun to list the worst movies of all time f...
Worst Movies Of All Time
Reviewed by GMonsterTV
7:48 AM
Rating: 5
Since I've previously listed the Oscar and Golden Globe winners, I thought it would be fun to list the worst movies of all time f...
Mankind Decoded: Episodes 1-2 Recaps: Lust For Luxury and The Arms Race (Series Premiere)
Mankind Decoded premiered on 1/26/13 on the H2 channel:
Mankind Decoded: Episodes 1-2 Recaps: Lust For Luxury and The Arms Race (Series Premiere)
Reviewed by GMonsterTV
11:13 PM
Rating: 5
Mankind Decoded premiered on 1/26/13 on the H2 channel:
All About Bats
Last week I did an entry about cats so this one is about bats. Most people don't appreciate bats. They get a bad rap for turning into...
All About Bats
Reviewed by GMonsterTV
8:13 AM
Rating: 5
Last week I did an entry about cats so this one is about bats. Most people don't appreciate bats. They get a bad rap for turning into...
American Horror Story Asylum Episode 13 Recap: Why Is Evil Staring At Me? (Season Finale)
And AHS: Asylum has come to an end with the aptly named episode "Madness Ends". I'm not sure how I feel about the concl...
American Horror Story Asylum Episode 13 Recap: Why Is Evil Staring At Me? (Season Finale)
Reviewed by GMonsterTV
8:25 PM
Rating: 5
And AHS: Asylum has come to an end with the aptly named episode "Madness Ends". I'm not sure how I feel about the concl...
Doomsday Preppers Season 2 Episodes 10-11 Recaps: Have You Heard Of The New Madrid Earthquake?
Episode 10 is titled "In The Hurt Locker". While other episodes of DP focus on surviving with a family or small group, this...
Doomsday Preppers Season 2 Episodes 10-11 Recaps: Have You Heard Of The New Madrid Earthquake?
Reviewed by GMonsterTV
11:38 PM
Rating: 5
Episode 10 is titled "In The Hurt Locker". While other episodes of DP focus on surviving with a family or small group, this...
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