Defiance Episode 12 Review: All You Can Eat Buffet - GMonsterTV

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Defiance Episode 12 Review: All You Can Eat Buffet

After killing daddy T'evgin, Kindzi wastes no time in waking up the other Omec aboard the space ship. And they are a hungry bunch. The first victim is a poor Irathi woman. Nolan and Irisa spy on the events from a hill. Nolan tries to shoot Kindzi but apparently eating Daddy's heart has made her immune to bullets. She was bad before, but now she's REALLY, REALLY bad. 

And This Is Another Fine Pickle

Yewll has gathered a number of snacks for new arrivals. She has no choice due the implants Omec control stem. We're also reminded that the Indogenes were genetically engineered to be slaves. Yewll does her best to protect Datak and Samir. She has a soft spot for the Casti (for some reason). Datak eggs her on saying the waiting to die is killing him and she has no soul. When the Omecs try to eat him, Datak has a trick up his sleeve. He has a sharp spike hidden in his artificial arm. He stakes Uno in the head and then runs off. They lose him in the woods. Yewll is relieved. She will take the injured Omec for medical treatment and loads him in the back of her truck. 

We Dont Have Time For The Blaming Game

Amanda confronts Stahma about not telling them earlier about the orbiting Omec ship. Stahma reminds Amanda that she's the one that let T'evgin into town in the first place. Amanda has a little breakdown but Nolan comforts her. They share a kiss. Finally! I hope those two kids get together. 

The Last Lady I Cozied Up To Tried To Eat Me

Nolan and Amanda stop Yewll on the road. Amanda knows Yewll is acting squirrelly (well, more than usual). She sees something on the back of her neck. Yewll says its a mole. Amanda pulls it out and Yewll is free. She promptly takes Amanda's gun and empties it into Uno in the back of the truck saying "Looks like mamma's got her groove back". I just love Yewll! She is going to wreck havoc on the Omec in a big way.  

Stahma goes to Luke's house saying she's worried about Datak. Alak confronts her about being a horrible manipulative person. She eventually leaves saying she loves him and only wants what's best. He will try to escape with Luke. Alak and Andina kiss but he says it's too soon. Just then, an injured Stahma breaks through the door. She yells "run" because Kindzi is RIGHT behind her. 

Kindzi snaps Andina's neck (so much for her hooking up with Alak) and wipes the floor (literally) with Stahma. Alak hides with the baby but it starts to cry alerting Kindzi. She and Alak fight over Luke but the Omec ends up with the baby. And in the final scene, Kindzi stares down at Luke the way you might look at a nice baked chicken. Well this cant be good. 

You Look Delicious

Favorite Quotes:
  • "If you can figure out how to say 'Please dont eat me in Omec' let me know."- Berlin to Irisa when she wants to try to reason with the Omec. 
  • "Looks like mama's got her groove back."- Yewll after the Omec control stem was removed. She's out for revenge now. 
  • Amanda: "What's that on the back of your neck?" Yewll: "That's just a mole. I should really have that looked at."
  • "Leave the ginger. Take me instead."- Datak to Yewll. 
  • Kindzi: "Youre Stahma's mate." Datak: "I'm also the last person you'll see before you die."
  • Datak: "Yewll, answer me you shyster." Yewll: "A shyster is a disreputable lawyer. I'm a disreputable doctor."
  • Kindzi: "We need more food. Bring me another one." Yewll: "You might want to keep your voice down. The key to effective mass murdering is to keep your victims in th edark as long as possible."

Grade: 4 3/4 Monsters (out of 5). "The Awakening" was a great penultimate episode. Yewll and Datak are back in the mix. The Tarr family is in peril as Kindzi threatens to eat baby Luke. Nolan, Irisa, Amanda and Berlin are determined to fight for the town. Well, Irisa wants to talk it out instead. 

What do you think will happen next week? Please let me know in the comments. I keep hoping T'evgin will, by some miracle, return. And dont count the sneaky Tarrs out. They have escaped from many a tight situation before. 

As of this writing, "Defiance" has not been renewed yet. Let's hope this isnt really "the end". I cant image a Friday without Stahma and her magical chivo.    
Defiance Episode 12 Review: All You Can Eat Buffet Reviewed by GMonsterTV on 4:09 PM Rating: 5 After killing daddy T'evgin, Kindzi wastes no time in waking up the other Omec aboard the space ship. And they are a hungry bunch. ...

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