Against his (and my) better judgement, Alex lets a group of survivors into the hospital. None of them can be trusted. There's Ted (Alex's seargant who was MIA for a while), Sam (a deaf guy with a baseball bat), Mohammed (a young kid who understands Sam), John (whose wife is still outside) and a few nondescript women (sorry I dont know your names). A vamp also shows up and fangs Vanessa in the neck. Instead of killing her, Flesh reverts back to his human self. It seems her blood has magical powers. Duh, duh, duh. The future of humanity rests on her shoulders... no pressure there.
In a flashbacks we learn what happened to Vanessa pre-Rising. She was violently attacked in her own home. Her daughter Dylan (who is currently missing) witnesses the whole scene. Is she magical as well?
Grade: 3 1/2 Monsters (out of 5). The jury is still out on "Van Helsing". Episode 1 bored me but the next two episodes picked up. There's nothing novel in what we're seeing thus far. "VH" seems a rehash of every apocalyptic/disaster show that's come before it. The acting, dialogue, and fight sequences are at time hokey. I'm glad there's a female lead (since we have way too few) but is there enough to keep me coming back for 13 episodes? I'll report back if it does.
Previously The World According To GMonster
TV: Heavy On Sci Fi, Horror & Adventure; Light On RealityOctober 7, 2016
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