Breaking Bad Episode 14 Recap: Ozymandias (One Of The Best TV Episodes Ever) - GMonsterTV

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Breaking Bad Episode 14 Recap: Ozymandias (One Of The Best TV Episodes Ever)

OMG This is seriously one of the best (if not THE best) episode I've ever seen on television. I was completely glued to the TV for the full hour. There is ZERO chance of Walt being redeemed at this point. He is much too far gone. He started cooking meth to provide for his family and now, thanks to cooking meth, he is without them (with only his barrel of money to keep him company). But I'm getting ahead of myself. Here's the highlights:
  • The beginning scene was a flashback to Walt and Jesse cooking in the desert. Walt rehearses a lie to tell Skylar about where he is. And with that first small seemingly insignificant lie, the gears are set in motion. Lies beget lies beget more lies until you're no longer sure what is a lie and what is the truth.  Back in the present day, the Nazis and Hank and Gomez are in a shoot out in the desert. Walt and Jesse are busy trying to hide. Steve Gomez is killed right off the bat. No surprise there. Todd's uncle Jack is ready to shoot Hank but Walt pleads with him not to (because they're family). He tells them to take all the money in exchange for Hank's life. Hank refuses to grovel though. Hank says to Walt "You're the smartest guy I've ever met but you're too stupid to see he made up his mind 10 minutes ago. Do what's you're gonna..." And with that, Jack shoots Hank in the head. Todd says "sorry for your loss" to Walt (that kid is definitely a psychopath). 
  • The Nazis start digging up Walt's barrel of money-- some $80 million worth. While Walt is laying on the ground, he sees Jesse hiding under a car. He tells everyone and they pull Jesse out. Walt then gives them the OK to shoot Jesse. Why did Walt plead for Hank's life and not Jesse's? That I did not understand. Anyway the Nazis decide to pump Jesse for information and kill him afterwards. Before he leaves, Walt tells Jesse he let Jane choke to death and did nothing to help her. Yep he's passed the point of no return. 
  • The Nazis leave Walt with one barrel of money (worth $11 million). How nice of them. After all Walt's work, this is what ends up happening to his money. His car however breaks down and Walt rolls the barrel across the desert until he finds a old man and gives him money for his beat up truck. 
  • Meanwhile Marie pays a visit to the car wash. Marie tells Skylar that Hank arrested Walt. She makes Skylar tell Walt Jr (ie Flynn) the truth about his father (before he can hear it from strangers). Walt Jr doesn't believe her. That was a heartbreaking scene on many levels. We know Hank is dead but Marie does not. Poor Walt Jr just had his world crash down around him. 
  • Skylar, Walt Jr and Holly head home. Walt is there and tells everyone they must pack anything important. They're leaving immediately. Skylar asks where Hank is. Walt refuses to answer but finally says he tried to save him. Skylar pulls a kitchen knife and cuts Walt, telling him he must leave. He tackles her and they fight for the knife. I wasn't sure who was going to get stabbed at that point (Skylar or Walt or even Walt Jr). Walt Jr gets in the middle of the fight and defends his mother. He calls the police. Walt runs out, grabs baby Holly and leaves. Skylar chases them down the street. 
  • Cut over to Jesse who's in a cage and almost beaten to death. Todd gets him out, hooks him up via a long cable to a runner and tells him to cook meth. He sees a picture of Andrea and Brock taped to the wall. Its not looking good for Jesse. 
  • Meanwhile Walt calls Skylar and unloads a massive amount of BS on her. She listens because they're trying to get Holly back. He ends the call with "Tow the line or you will wind up just like Hank." Was he saying what he did to exonerate Skylar from any wrongdoing (because he knew the police were listening)? I'm not sure if it was that or he's just completely unhinged at this point. When Skylar asks him to come home, Walt says he still has things to do. He later leaves Holly at a fire department. 
  • Walt disappears with his barrel of money with Saul's contact (the guy he had originally hooked Jesse up with). There is also a spinoff of "Breaking Bad" currently in the works. It will star Saul. 
  • Per Wikipedia the episode title Ozymandias refers to the Percy Bysshe Shelley poem of the same name. The poem recounts the crumbling legacy of a once proud Pharaoh in order to demonstrate how all empires, no matter how great, inevitably fall victim to hubris and/or the passage of time. See full text of the poem below. 
I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown
And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear:
'My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings:
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The lone and level sands stretch far away".
Grade: 5+ (out of 5 Monsters). It absolutely does not get any better than this. There's no way they can top this in the final two episodes. 

Breaking Bad Episode 14 Recap: Ozymandias (One Of The Best TV Episodes Ever) Reviewed by GMonsterTV on 12:08 AM Rating: 5 OMG This is seriously one of the best (if not THE best) episode I've ever seen on television. I was completely glued to the TV for t...

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