The Walking Dead Season 5 Epi 14 Review: Thanks TWD, Now Im Afraid of Revolving Doors - GMonsterTV

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The Walking Dead Season 5 Epi 14 Review: Thanks TWD, Now Im Afraid of Revolving Doors

"Spend" opens with Father Gabe visiting the makeshift Alexandria church. He starts ripping pages out of the Bible. Dude, you're not supposed to do that. He must have been absent the day they went over that at the seminary. 

Next Noah and Deanna's hubby (Reg) have an early morning meeting. He's going to teach Noah about architecture. Making long term plans is a sure fire way to kick the bucket on TWD so I fear for Noah's life.

Better Times

Glenn leads a run to get replacement parts for the power grid. The group consists of Noah, Tara, Eugene, Aiden (Deanna and Reg's son) and Nicholas. Eugene protests that he's useless (which I agree with) but he goes anyway. There are lots of zombies milling around both outside and inside the warehouse. Things are going as planned until a zombie in body armor shows up. Glenn yells for Aiden NOT to shoot him. The guy has a grenade... but its too late. There's an explosion. Aiden is impaled in several places and Tara has a bad head injury. They scramble to figure out what to do with Tara and just then Aiden regains consciousness. The guys try to help them but its hopeless. Nicholas runs off like a little wuss. Glenn and Noah have to abandon Aiden. I thought they would at least shoot him. Being eaten alive by zombies does not appear comfortable. 

Horrible Death Of The Night #2

Eugene finally grows a pair and carries Tara back to the van. Meanwhile Eugene, Glenn and Noah are trapped in a revolving door. Zombies are on both sides. This is definitely not a good situation. Glenn has a plan to save them. Before he can shoot through the glass, Nicholas pushes his side of the door thus causes Noah to suffer one of the most horrific deaths on TWD. I still havent gotten over that. That was horrible and poor Glenn had to sit there and watch it. Stellar acting by everyone involved. Next Nicholas tries to steal the van from Eugene. Eugene confronts him but doesnt get far. Glenn beats Nicholas and throws him into the van. They drive back to Alexandria. My vote would have been to shoot Nicholas in the kneecaps and leave his sorry ass with the zombies. But I guess we need something else to build up drama in Alexandria. You can bet Nicholas' story will be very different from the truth.

Would You Mind Terribly If I Kill Your Husband?

Back in town, Sam shows up at Carol's. He wants more cookies. Is he a cookieholic or what? She blows him off. He's a persistent little snot. He doesnt seem afraid of Stone Cold Killer Carol. I cant decide if he's brave or just really stupid. She finally agrees to make more cookies (or show him how) if he'll steals the chocolate. And in a few minutes he's back. He asks about the stolen guns. Carol says they took them... just in case. Sam says his mom needs one. And there we have it...The reason Sam wants to hang with Mean Lady Carol so is his father is a wife and possible child abuser. This also confirms the scene where Pete showed up at Ricks' with some beers. Carol heads over to the house but Pete wont let her in. Carol tells Rick what happened. She suggests he kill Pete. I'm not sure Rick is opposed to the idea since he's sweet on Jessie but Pete does seem to be the only doctor around. 

Captain Ginger To The Rescue

Over at the construction site, zombies attack. The men Alexandrian men turn tail and run. Abe on the other hand goes into full combat mode. He saves Francine and single handedly take out a ton of zombies. The head of the crew (Tobin) tells Deanna he's stepping down since Abe would be a much better leader. 

I Hope That Cross Falls On Your Head Gabe

And in the final scene Gabe visits Deanna. He tells her Team Rick is no good. They're done terrible things and will destroy everything she holds dear. What is Gabe's angle? They have saved his ass numerous times. He cant defend himself so if they're gone, he will die soon. And speaking of horrible people, does he really have to be reminded that he let his congregation die outside the church instead of helping them? Luckily Maggie hears all the lies and can report back immediately. 

Over the past few weeks I've thought maybe Rick, Carol and Daryl were going to destroy a good thing due to their paranoia. Now I've wondering how the Alexandrians even survived this long. Most of them are completely useless. Maybe that's where all the other people went. They started out with a few hundred people and a few got eaten by zombies each week. Also the Wolves are somewhere nearby so its only a matter of time before their idealic setting is ruined.  

On a happier note, Daryl likes his new motorcycle. 

Easy Rider

Favorite Quotes:

  • "This is the beginning."- Reg. Well actually its the end for Noah. 
  • "Mother dick!"- Abe. Who knew that was a thing?
  • "Send a fax to Cleveland" apparently means to take a dump. Is this phrase in regular use cause I've never heard that before. And I don think the people in Cleveland want to be sent all these faxes. 
  • "You're gonna have to kill him."- Carol to Rick about Pete. 

Grade: 4 3/4 Monsters (out of 5). An excellent episode. The deaths of Noah and Aiden were some of the most horrific we've seen. There are two episodes to go till season's end so the body count will probably rise even higher. I'm sad to see Noah go. He was a good kid. Also I thought I saw three crosses in the promo for last week. Is that Aiden, Noah and Tara.. or did someone else get killed at the construction site that I dont remember?

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The World According To GMonster
TV: Heavy On Sci Fi, Horror & Adventure; Light On Realit

March 16, 2015
The Walking Dead Season 5 Epi 14 Review: Thanks TWD, Now Im Afraid of Revolving Doors Reviewed by GMonsterTV on 9:01 PM Rating: 5 "Spend" opens with Father Gabe visiting the makeshift Alexandria church. He starts ripping pages out of the Bible. Dude, you...

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