Defiance Season 3 Episode 9 Review: Ostinato In White - GMonsterTV

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Defiance Season 3 Episode 9 Review: Ostinato In White

Defiance deals with the aftermath of last week's events. The VC were defeated (for now) thanks to Datak's sacrifice. We of course know Stubby is still alive. The town also mourns the deaths of 27 brave souls.

I Hate Door To Door Salesmen

Nolan is having a hard time since he feels responsible for the deaths. You'd think the "Butcher of Yosemite" would be more hardened but I guess not. He drowns his sorrows in alcohol and goes to visit Zero's father (who later hangs himself). I personally am unmoved. Maybe if we had known the victims better it would have made a greater impact. 

Meanwhile Stahma hears of Datak's sacrifice from T'evgin. She has been pardoned so can return home. Everyone in town thinks she's a traitor. Alak has a bullet with her name on it (so she best steer clear of him). Her mourning Datak's death while wearing black (instead of the usual Casti white) was interesting to watch. Her motives are never entirely clear though so I'm not sure what she feels. 

Best Not To Look Too Closely

In the other main story line, some beast is on the loose and is tearing victims limb from limb. Nolan and Irisa go in search of it. One of the dead turns out to be... wait for it.... Doc Yewll. How can that be? Kindzi made a clone of Yewll (from back when she was in the gulamite mines). She's bored and is doing a little hunting. She is Omec after all. Nolan almost bites it at her hands (errr fangs). T'evgin swoops in right before Kindzi has the real Doc Yewll chop off her arm. Unbeknownst to T'vegin, Kindzi put a control stem in Yewll's neck. T'evgin sends Kindzi back into stasis on the orbiting ship and mourns her as if she were dead. He reassures Nolan there will be no more killings. 

Kindzi Is On A Time Out

Points To Ponder:

  • Yewll stabbed Samir in the heart with a needle. Is he dead? If so, why did she do that? Is Kindzi guiding her actions from the ship via the control stem? 
  • How long will one armed Datak wander around before he comes back into town?
  • I'm really digging Stahma and T'evgin as a couple. More of that please!

Grade: 3 1/2 Monsters (out of 5). Not a great episode but more of a filler. I enjoyed Stahma's scenes and of course T'evgin and Kindzi together. Will Kindzi be back soon? There are four episodes left in the season. Since the VC is gone, what else is there to fight except each other?

Photo Credits:

The World According To GMonster
TV: Heavy On Sci Fi, Horror & Adventure; Light On Reality

August 5, 2015
Defiance Season 3 Episode 9 Review: Ostinato In White Reviewed by GMonsterTV on 7:52 AM Rating: 5 Defiance deals with the aftermath of last week's events. The VC were defeated (for now) thanks to Datak's sacrifice. We of cours...

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