Ancient Aliens Season 5 Episodes 1-3 Recaps: Pyramid Power - GMonsterTV

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Ancient Aliens Season 5 Episodes 1-3 Recaps: Pyramid Power

As with past seasons, season 5 continues to expound on the works of "ancient astronaut theorists". While many of the explanations are VERY far fetched its still great TV viewing. "Crazy Hair Guy" is definitely my favorite. For an opposing check out "Ancient Aliens Debunked" on YouTube. It goes point by point and explains such things as how gigantic stones can be moved without alien assistance. 

Episode 1 dealt with pyramids and was IMHO one of the best AA episodes yet. It reviewed the similar pyramid structures that exist around the world. I've always wondered how different civilizations who supposedly didnt have contact with each other could end up building large triangular shaped buildings (when that shape doesn't seem to exist in nature). It also reviewed temples in Bora Bora Indonesia that can only be fully understood by viewing from the air. I also had not heard of pyramids in China (which the government does not allow access to) or pyramids in Bosnia. This episode also shows that that pyramids in Egypt have 8 sides instead of 6.

Episode 2 dealt with alien cover ups. I have reservations about the possibility of cover ups. People LOVE to gossip too much and no one can keep their mouth shut long enough to cover anything up. I must also confess to not knowing about a "real" Battle of Los Angeles. No kiddies it's not just a movie. See details at Excerpts are listed below.

It was just past 2AM in the morning on 2/25/42 when the UFO sightings began and authorities took swift and decisive action as soon as repeated reports of the unusual activity rolled in from the uneasy citizenry (since this occurred right after Pearl Harbor). 
Air raid sirens were sounded, and a total blackout was ordered. At 3:16 am, the 37th Coast Artillery Brigade began firing 12.8-pound antiaircraft shells at the objects – more than 1,400 shells were fired over the next 58 minutes as the objects moved south, from Santa Monica to Long Beach.
According to UFO expert Bill Birnes:
Not one artillery shell could hit the craft – out of all the hundreds of shells that were fired.  People outside that night swore that it was neither a plane nor a balloon – it was a UFO.  It floated, it glided.  And to this day, nobody can explain what that craft was, why our anti-aircraft guns couldn’t hit it – it’s a mystery that’s never been resolved.

The next day began a series of fits and starts in terms an official explanation for the episode.
Secretary of the Navy, Frank Knox, dismissed the event as a “false alarm” due to “jittery nerves,” but when this failed to satisfy the press and the public, the Army responded with a definitive answer that the craft and the battle were real, and the next day, Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson confirmed that.  Santa Monica’s US Representative, Leland Ford, was quoted in the Times on February 27 calling for a Congressional investigation into the incident, but this went nowhere.  In the years since, various explanations have been offered – from Japanese planes to German craft launched from secret bases in Mexico to unidentified aircraft to weather balloons to sky lanterns to blimps.In the years to come it would become clear that there is no definitive answer to the questions that were raised that night.
Descriptions of the UFOs (sighted) varied widely.  General George C. Marshall, in his initial memo to President Roosevelt regarding the event, wrote that the “unidentified airplanes… [traveled at speeds ranging from] ‘very slow’ to as much as 200 mph and from elevations of 9000 to 18,000 feet.” (The memo may be viewed at  The number of craft reported by observers ranged from 9 to 15 to 25.

The information regarding the Vatican was especially interesting. I would love to get in those archives. "The questions of life's origins and of whether life exists elsewhere in the universe are very suitable and deserve serious consideration," said the Rev. Jose Gabriel Funes, an astronomer and director of the Vatican Observatory. Funes, a Jesuit priest, presented the results Tuesday of a five-day conference that gathered astronomers, physicists, biologists and other experts to discuss the budding field of astrobiology — the study of the origin of life and its existence elsewhere in the cosmos.

The Church of Rome's views have shifted radically through the centuries since Italian philosopher Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake as a heretic in 1600 for speculating, among other ideas, that other worlds could be inhabited. Scientists have discovered hundreds of planets outside our solar system — including 32 new ones announced recently by the European Space Agency. Impey said the discovery of alien life may be only a few years away. Read more:

Episode 3 dealt with alien power. Per AA, remnants of a worldwide power grid may be found among the ruins of ancient civilizations worldwide. Uh not so sure about that one.

Ancient Aliens Season 5 Episodes 1-3 Recaps: Pyramid Power Reviewed by GMonsterTV on 10:23 PM Rating: 5  As with past seasons, season 5 continues to expound on the works of "ancient  astronaut theorists". While many of the explana...

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