- "You're winding down like toy"- Helena to Rudy before he dies.
- "We're everywhere"- Neolutionist to Ferdinand before Ferd beats him to death with a baseball bat.
- "They're like ticks. You never know when you've got one on you."- Ferd about the Neolutionists.
- "What will happen to her?"-Delphine to her unseen killer.
- "You should not threaten babies"- Helena to Pouchy's (the drug bosses' crew).
- "I got refund. I do not think they will be coming back for change."- Helena to Donnie after she wipes out Pounchy's entire team.
- "Hello Mother!"- Mrs S to Kendall. Holidays at their house are going to be WAY uncomfortable. Remember, Kendall killed Mrs S's husband John.
- Baddie: "Whats up with your voice?" Helena (as Alison): "I have a cold". Donnie: Its one of those really bad ones that messes with your...syntax."
- "The only reason you're alive is because of me"- Pupok the imaginary scorpion to Helen.
- "Now nut up and take me to the cyclops."- Felix to Scott about one eyed Rachel.
- "We do terrible things for those we love. Stop asking 'why' and start asking 'who'"- Dead Beth to Sarah.
- "No one is coming for you because no one cares"- Felix to Rachel.
- "It was never Beth that I loved" Paul to Sarah before he dies (implying that he loved Sarah instead).
- "No more pain little one."- Helena before she kills the tortured Castor clone Parsons.
- "Shes not a Monster. She was just trained to be a killer. Does that sound familiar?" Sarah to Mark about Helena.
- "It looks like you've been mounted by a llama."- Felix to Cosima about her sweater. Cant say that I've heard that before.
- "Do you remember what happened the last time you had a gun in the car?"- Alison to Donnie (referring to him accidentally killing Dr Leekie).
- "Oh my God. Is everyone's life this chaotic?"- Donnie to Alison referring to their drug business and her running for school trustee and they're trying to raise two children. .
- "What happened Gracie is that you betrayed your family. God wanted to punish you so he took the child. Our legacy and you lost it."- Mrs Johanssen to her daughter Gracie.
- "I met your brother. He's ugly."- Helena to one of the Castors.
- "Where are these mangos? I'd like to see these mangos"- Helena during a logic test. Yes, she's a little off track.
- "Do you really think people are going to trust their children to an infamous alcoholic?"- Marcie to Alison about being school trustee.
- "One day, I kill you all"- Helena to Mark.
- "Delphine, if you're not going to be with me, if you'r enot going to switch sides, let me go."- Cosima.
- "What kind of monster threatens a man's cat"- Felix referring to when Rudy threatened Scott's cat Bernice.
- "Keep provoking them and we'll never get any mangos"- Pupok the imaginary scorpion to Helena.
- "Why do weird things keep happening to me."- Krystal (before she finds out she's a clone).
Photo Credits:
The World According To GMonster
TV: Heavy On Sci Fi, Horror & Adventure; Light On Reality
July 5, 2015
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