Constantine Episodes 4 Thru 5 Recaps: Hungry Demons And Unruly Spirits - GMonsterTV

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Constantine Episodes 4 Thru 5 Recaps: Hungry Demons And Unruly Spirits

Feed Me Or Else!!!!

"A Fest Of Friends" Recap In 10 Words Or Less: US customs, broken bottle, hungry demon, Gary redeemed but dead.

"Danse Vaudou" Recap In 10 Words Or Less: Deadly deceased, Papa Midnite, mysterious Zed, Chas unbreakable, Spectre, pretty. 

In "A Feast Of Friends" we meet Constantine's old friend Gary Lester. They have a past together back in Newcastle. Gary is plagued with remorse at not being able to save Astra (due to his heroin addiction and general wimpyness ). Gary goes to Sudan and encounters a boy possesses by a demon. This is Gary's chance to redeem himself. We see in flashbacks that  Mnemoth (a really hungry demon) was placed in the boy by a shaman because it was starving the villagers to death. 

You're Not Looking So Good Gary

When Gary releases the demon a swarm of beetles (or whatever big ass bug) fly out of the boy and are trapped in a bottle. Gary brings the bottle back through US customs but it is flagged. The customs agent opens the bottle. Yeah dont do that... oops too late. 

Where Is My Can Of Raid?

The demon inhabits the agent who then runs through the airport shoving people and eating everything in sight. I especially enjoyed when he took the little girl's ice cream cone. Too funny. Later the demon heads over to a grocery store and wrecks havoc. Constantine arrives and finds him/her/it in the back meat locker. Extra points for the crabwalker. 

There Goes Our Work Safety Record. Thanks Demon!

Meanwhile Zed and Gary have a brain meld. She wants John to be more sympathetic towards his friend. When Constantine returns home, they are acting strangely. He thinks the two have had "relations". Constantine goes to a shaman friend (Nommo) to find a way to get rid of the demon They will use Gary as the vessel. The only problem is getting rid of the demon will also kill Gary. The ceremony is performed, tears are shed and Manny the Angel comes to pick up his newest arrival. Gary has redeemed himself and the hungry demon is now on a permanent diet.
Scissor Sister: Do you think I'm pretty? Chas: Quick! What rhymes with orange?

In "Danse Vaudou" the team is off to New Orleans. They meet Jim Corrigan. He saw a woman wearing a surgical mask scissor another woman (and not in a good way). She says "do you think I'm pretty" before stabbing her. Jim shot the woman several times but it had no effect.

Zed sees images of a woman teaching a child to shoot. When she meets Jim she says "Slow is smooth. Smooth is fast. And squeeze." It was Jim in her vision. Next she sees a dead hitchhiker named Phillip who is killing motorists. Later there's another guy who died of cancer chillaxing at home. There are at least three spirits currently knocking off the residents of New Orleans.   

Bonfire Constantine Style

It turns out Papa Midnite is involved. The spirits he contacted during seances are getting out of control. He and Constantine grudgingly work together to get the three bodies and burn them (to send them back to their resting place). Well that didnt work. Next they amass the loved ones of the three. They must forgive themselves for what happened. And that does it. Case closed.    

But what caused this problem in the first place? Constantine says its the "Darkness Rising". Papa uses his deceased sister Cedella's head to try to get some answers. Cedella says the darkness will be ushered in by someone close to Constantine who will betray him. 

Let Me Ask My Sister What She Thinks

Are we talking about Zed? She's busy being all mysterious. Jimmy seems to know her. He says "When did you change your name" and "You were reported missing by your family". He kisses her hand. She sees a vision of him all dead in a green misty glow. Will he become the Spectre? 

Stop Calling Me Jimmy!

The scissor lady kills Chas. We know from previous experience that he doesnt stay dead long. While the paramedics are working on him, he hopes up and asks for a clean shirt. I'm very interested to see his back story. He also provides some much needed comic relief. When the masked woman appears a third time, he keeps her at bay by continually asking her questions. Too funny. 

Grade: 4 Monsters (out of 5). These two episodes seem stronger than their predecessors. I'm hoping "Constantine" is hitting it's stride. I especially enjoyed "Feast Of Friends" and the hungry demon. I often feel just like him. Feed Me!!!! On an unrelated note, is it just me or does Zed's accent come and go? It seems very thick at times but then not so much. I do like Zed but it's distracting.  

The World According To GMonster
TV: Heavy On Sci Fi, Horror & Adventure; Light On Reality 
Constantine Episodes 4 Thru 5 Recaps: Hungry Demons And Unruly Spirits Reviewed by GMonsterTV on 6:57 PM Rating: 5 Feed Me Or Else!!!! "A Fest Of Friends" Recap In 10 ...

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