In "Answers in Blood" Ragnar and Bjorn sneak into town and set fire to Borg's winter food stash. A battle then ensures. Bjorn is almost killed but he holds his own. Borg is driving out of Kattegat but survives. Rollo seems to be on the right side for a change. The Princess is preggo again. How many children is that woman going to have?
King Hork sends news to Ragnar that the team in England was attacked. He's not sure what happened to Athlestan. We know he is with King Ecbert though. Ecbert pardoned a woman whose husband had badly mutilated her and accused her of being unfaithful. He did this after asking Athlestan what the "pagans" would do. The former monk says she would be considered a free woman. Who knew the Vikings were such women's libbers? Meanwhile poor Athlestan is going mad. He's seeing lots of visions. That guy has been through a lot.
Lagertha leaves to go back to Sigvard. I kept hoping Ragnar would kick the Princess to the curb and get back with Lagertha. Alas I know its not in the cards. Bjorn stays with Ragnar. I hope we see Lagertha again soon. She's my most favorite character (besides Ragnar).
Grade: 3 1/2 Monsters (out of 5). There are only 10 episodes in each season so we're halfway through.
TV: Heavy On Sci Fi, Horror & Adventure; Light On Reality
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