Once Upon A Time Episode 2 Recap: Lost Girls Therapy Group - GMonsterTV

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Once Upon A Time Episode 2 Recap: Lost Girls Therapy Group

This episode centers on Emma embracing her true self in order to find Henry (with help from Peter Pan's magic map). It turns out what she has to stop denying is... wait for it... Is she's an orphan and still has issues with Snow and Charming. Seriously? That's the big revelation??? We all already knew that.

For us Swan Queen shippers, there was LOTS of subtext. Come on Emma! Embracing your true self REALLY means admitting that you're in love with Regina.

In related news, Rumple detaches his shadow and tells him to hide the dagger. I didn't know you could do that. And what's up with that doll he can't shake? Oh it's the last thing his father gave him before he left. Rumple tells FakeBelle he's worried that he'll be a coward (like his father) and give Henry to Pan in order to save himself.

Flashbacks to FairyTaleLand (FTL) are interspersed throughout the episode. They include:
  • Charming plants a sword in a stone per Rumple's suggestion in order to give Snow courage. Hint: turns out it is NOT Excalibar and they are NOT in England. 
  • And yet another flashback of Snow fighting with Regina. If Snow cedes the kingdom, she can live quietly with Charming. But noooo she cant do it. The Queen will kill one subject per day till she caves in. But I don't really care since they're extras. 

At the end of the episode, Pan tells Emma that by the time she finds Henry “You won’t just feel like an orphan, you’ll be one”. Meanwhile we see Charming was grazed in the side during the latest Lost Boys battle.  His wound is apparently infected with Dreamshade (which is really bad poison). Oh dear! 

Other observations:
  • Regina's outfits this week were smashing. They keep getting better and better. Give the wardrobe department some awards NOW!
  • Hook is making eyes at Emma so all you Captain Swan fans may be happy soon. I will not.
  • In next week's episode Pan becomes a therapist and encourages everyone to embrace their true selves and hug it out. 
  • And I'm happy to learn that I was not the only person that saw the Wonderland rabbit pop up in the bottom right of the screen and proceed to draw a magical circle around Snow White v-jay-jay. That made me laugh. Oppps, somebody's in trouble.

Favorite quotes:
  • "He may look like a boy but he's a bloody demon"- Hook about Peter Pan.
  • You know, I could have just poofed us up here,”- Regina who apparently did not come dressed for hiking through the jungle.
  • “Look, handsome, she may love you, but that chisel chin ain’t fooling us. We’ve got our eyes on you"- Grumpy to Charming.

Grade: 4 Monsters (out of 5).Next week we learn about Regina and Tinkerbell's complicated history. Hmmm.

Once Upon A Time Episode 2 Recap: Lost Girls Therapy Group Reviewed by GMonsterTV on 10:44 PM Rating: 5 This episode centers on Emma embracing her true self in order to find Henry (with help from Peter Pan's magic map). It turns out what...

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